Fly Fishing Heats Up On Lake Dillon


As the winter melt of has finally slowed water levels on Lake Dillon are nearing completion for the summer. The inlet water levels are about where they will be for most of the summer months. We have been having great success fishing all throughout the day but are having the most luck during hatches. Follow the hatch and you will find feeding fish if they are active.  Nice brown trout and good numbers of rainbow trout are being caught. Arctic Char and Salmon can be found feeding in the mouths as they cycle in from the deeper water. Remember when fishing lower levels of water to be mindful of the water temperatures as trout especially stop growing in 73 degrees Fahrenheit and when fighting a fish in warmer water NOT to play them for too long. When hesitant the better solution is to keeping trout alive is just not to fish water in the higher temperatures for their longevity. 

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Tight Lines